Anti-Racism Resources
The resources at the top of this list have been collaboratively collected by the members of the Courageous Conversations: Unpacking Racism Facebook group. Many connect to the text How to be an Anti-Racist by Ibram X. Kendi. They have been included with the permission of the group’s moderator, Arianne.
The resources at the end of this document have been gathered from other sources, including the NY Times and the JNCL newsletter.
Getting Started, Self-Assessment Tools, and Resource Clearinghouses:
As an individual:
Project Implicit Harvard University
White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack Peggy McIntosh
Summary of Stages of Racial Identity Development used to support the Scaffolded List of Anti-racism Resources for White Folks (highly recommended - very comprehensive!)
Another list of Anti-racism Resources for White People, with some duplication of materials.
The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness Michelle Alexander
White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Racial Divide Carol Anderson
Birth of a White Nation: The Invention of White People and its Relevance Today Jacqueline Battalora (Content Warning: this book contains images of Black men murdered by lynching and White observers of the aftermath).
I'm Still Here: Black Dignity In A World Made For Whiteness Austin Channing Brown
Between the World and Me Ta-Nehisi Coates
White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard For White People To Talk About Racism Robin DiAngelo, PhD
Anti-Racist Baby Ibram X. Kendi
Stamped from the Beginning Ibram X. Kendi
Sister Outsider Audre Lorde
The Guide for White Women Who Teach Black Boys Eddie Moore, Jr., Ali Michael, and Marguerite W. Penick-Parks
So You Want to Talk About Race Ijeoma Oluo
The Color of Law: A Forgotten History of How Our Government Segregated America Richard Rothstein
Me and White Supremacy: Combat Racism, Change the World, and Become a Good Ancestor Layla Saad
Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption Bryan Stevenson
Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria?: And Other Conversations about Race Beverly Daniel Tatum
A People's History of the United States Howard Zinn
Making people aware of their implicit biases doesn’t usually change minds. But here’s what does work PBS Newshour
Why do so many white people deny the existence of white privilege? The Undefeated
Jesus was a Protester Sojourners
Is KC Divided into Different Racial Groups?: A Visual History on Racial Distribution in the Metro Flatland KC
The Necessity of Existence Michael Harriot
The Emotional Impact of Watching White People Wake Up to Racism in Real-time Metro UK
Five Activities to Promote Diversity in the Classroom Purdue University Global
Climate Justice:
Unequal Impact: The Deep Links Between Racism and Climate Change Yale Environment 360
The 40 most influential environmental justice conflicts in the US Discard Studies
'They chose us because we were rural and poor': when environmental racism and climate change collide The Guardian
Why the Native American pipeline resistance in North Dakota is about climate justice The Conversation US
Trump's EPA Concludes Environmental Racism Is Real The Atlantic (limited free articles per month)
Websites with Multiple Resources:
Talking About Race from the National Museum of African American History & Culture contains an array of articles on antiracism, bias, the historical foundations of race, whiteness, systems of oppression, and more.
Zinn Education Project “The goal of the Zinn Education Project is to introduce students to a more accurate, complex, and engaging understanding of United States history than is found in traditional textbooks and curricula.”
Facing History and Ourselves “At Facing History and Ourselves, we believe the bigotry and hate that we witness today are the legacy of brutal injustices of the past. Facing our collective history and how it informs our attitudes and behaviors allows us to choose a world of equity and justice. Facing History’s resources address racism, antisemitism, and prejudice at pivotal moments in history; we help students connect choices made in the past to those they will confront in their own lives.”
Rethinking Schools A community dedicated to creating a world that works for all.
Teaching Tolerance Southern Poverty Law Center “Our mission is to help teachers and schools educate children and youth to be active participants in a diverse democracy. Our program emphasizes social justice and anti-bias. The anti-bias approach encourages children and young people to challenge prejudice and learn how to be agents of change in their own lives.”
Anti-Defamation League “ADL is a leading anti-hate organization. ADL is a global leader in exposing extremism and delivering anti-bias education, and is a leading organization in training law enforcement.”
- 350 is “an international movement of ordinary people working to end the age of fossil fuels and build a world of community-led renewable energy for all. 350 is building a future that's just, prosperous, equitable and safe from the effects of the climate crisis”
How to Build an Antiracist World TED Talk by Ibram X. Kendi, Chloe Shasha, and Whitney Pennington Rodgers
Why Talking to Your White Family About Black People is the Wrong Approach Sonya Renee Taylor
Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man series by Emmanuel Acho
Where Do We Go From Here? (Part 1) from the OWN Network, Oprah Winfrey
Where Do We Go From Here? (Part 2) from the OWN Network, Oprah Winfrey
How Can We Win? Kimberly Jones
The Unequal Opportunity Race African American Policy Forum
National Forum on Demonstrating Care for Black Employees USC Race and Equity Center
Birth of a White Nation lecture by Jacqueline Battalora on the legal history of “Whiteness”
Films to Stream:
13th, available on Netflix and currently streaming for free on YouTube
Armchair Expert featuring Ibram X. Kendi
First Name Basis with Jasmine Bradshaw; Episode 2:12 How to Talk to Your Children About Racism
Hidden Brain NPR, episode 02/16/16, Remembering Anarcha, Lucy, and Betsey: The Mothers of Modern Gynecology
Catlick B. T. Harman “Catlick is the lost story of how spies, villains, & midnight vigilantes nearly destroyed the South's grandest city. Catlick is part true crime, part historical narrative, and part memoir. B.T. Harman weaves masterful storytelling into a riveting sonic experience that traces one of the most tragic series of events ever to befall a single American city. 22 episodes total.”
Code Switch NPR “What's CODE SWITCH? It's the fearless conversations about race that you've been waiting for! Hosted by journalists of color, our podcast tackles the subject of race head-on. We explore how it impacts every part of society — from politics and pop culture to history, sports and everything in between. This podcast makes ALL OF US part of the conversation — because we're all part of the story.”
Scene On Radio: Seeing White John Biewen “Events of the past few years have turned a challenging spotlight on White people, and Whiteness, in the United States. Our series exploring what it means to be White.”
I’m ready to act!:
The resources here have been gathered from the NY Times and the JNCL newsletter
The 1619 Project: NYTimes:
The Sound of Racial Profiling: When Language Leads to Discrimination | University of Nevada Reno
Woman Creates Coloring Books to Help Teach Black Children New Languages | Black Enterprise
Resources on Critical Pedagogy/Social Justice in Language Teaching | Stacey Margarita Johnson
Using SCOPE to Teach Educational Development | GEM Report UNESCO
COVID-19 Spotlights the Inequities Facing English Learner Students, as Nonprofit Organizations Seek to Mitigate Challenges | Migration Policy Institute
Students Confront School District with Anti-Racism Demands and Ethnic Studies Classes | Santa Barbara Independent
11 Terms You Should Know to Better Understand Structural Racism | The Aspen Institute
15 Classroom Resources for Discussing Racism, Policing, and Protest | Education Week
California Boosts Training for Teachers and Higher Education Faculty to Meet the Needs of Dual Language Learners | New America
Will Trump Opt to Restrict Foreign Student Work Program? | Inside Higher Ed
Improving Literacy in the United States: Recommendations for Increasing Reading Success in ELs | Center for American Progress
Statement of Solidarity
In light of further abhorrent acts of racially motivated violence, the Foreign Language Association of Missouri must lift up Asian-American and Pacific Islanders and others of Asian origin who have chosen this country and say—ENOUGH. The values of this country cannot stand for the emotions and prejudices that have apparently inspired this violence. This country, and all those in it, but especially those in positions of power, have a responsibility to demonstrate a commitment to uphold and defend liberty, equality, and justice in every way, for everyone in it, and worldwide.
We must do our best to provide anti-racist environments that value and respect all cultural differences in our communities. We must act in solidarity with the Asian-American and Pacific Islander communities and continue our support of all members of the Black, Indigenous, and People of Color communities to foster communication and initiatives that create unity and equality so that actions inspired by hate and bigotry are no more.
We know that the young people whom we serve in our classrooms count on this from us, as their teachers: every single student. We must inspire attitudes and perspectives to ensure the prosperous future of this nation and the fulfillment of its values promised to all in its Constitution. For every single student.
FLAM is compelled to continue its call for justice and equality that our colleagues, family, and friends from these communities are so rightly making in the light of so many examples of death, violence, and discrimination that they have suffered.
We are here to support our colleagues and students who find themselves victims of stereotyping, profiling, physical threats, and violence based on their physical appearance and apparent ethnic origin.